Monday, October 23, 2006

Garlic Health Benefits and Herpes

Do you know all of garlic health benefits and how garlic can help treat herpes?

Garlic has very interesting antiviral properties and relieves the immune system by killing fungi and parasites. Eating garlic helps maintain a very good health.

Garlic has also anti-bacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties .
More on Garlic Health Benefits and Herpes here

Monday, October 16, 2006

Herpes News

A New Herpes Vaccine?

Montana State University has developed a genetically modified strain of the herpes virus that when introduced in mice showed 100% efficacy as a herpes vaccine.

Mice vaccinated with this new herpes strain showed no sign of the disease 30 days after being exposed to a lethal "wild-type" strain of herpes simplex virus. A second group of mice exposed to the same "wild-type" strain of herpes simplex virus but without receiving the vaccine died within six days.

This research shows potential for a human vaccine against herpes.

HIV transmission risks increase during HSV-2 reactivation

A new study presented to the 44th Infectious Diseases Society of Amercia (IDSA) meeting in Toronto on October 12th shows that HIV levels in the blood stream increase during HSV-2 reactivations. HIV is even more present in the rectum than in the blood stream during HSV-2 reactivation. Therefore, unprotected anal sex greatly increases the chances of HIV transmission.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Herpes Medications updated

Due to recent changes in Famvir prescription guidelines and dosage, I felt it was necessarry to update information about genital herpes medication on my website. Briefly, Famvir has been recently accepted as a valid one day treatment for herpes recurrences and a higher dosage Famivr pill (500 mg) will be soon available in the US.

Genital Herpes and Lysine

I've recently added a very nice page about genital herpes and lysine . It explains how I think lysine should be taken to obtain good results. Most people with herpes use it as a treatment. But according to scientific study lysine is much better at preventing genital herpes than treating it. For more info please visit

Have you ever wanted to know what herbs can help treat or prevent herpes?

Let me show you which herbs can help treat herpes symptoms. Whether you suffer from oral or genital herpes, you should read this page. Drinking herbal tea or herbal supplements could really help make your life with herpes much easier and healthier. One of the most common herbs advertised for herpes has actually shown no results in scientific studies whereas unknown or unexpected plants did show efficacy against herpes in lab tests.

For more information visit the herbal treatments for herpes page of Best Herpes Treatments.

New Herpes Newsletter Issue

Coming up Soon: the 4th Issue of Best Herpes Treatments Newsletter:

In this upcoming issue:

- Flowers for Herpes : Tap into the secret powers of flowers to ease stress and control herpes symptoms.

- Famvir exciting news

- Your testimonial: Lysine for Herpes

If you want to receive updated information about herpes treatments and issues, subscribe to our Herpes Newsletter

About me

  • I'm Nathalie Foy
  • From United Kingdom
  • I have remained outbreak free for more than 6 years now. I use only natural remedies and I have helped hundreds of people do the same. If you want to find out how I did it, join me now at I want to help you achieve the same results.

    I just love promoting better health, self-love and acceptance and help people have a wonderful life with herpes. I know it may sound impossible to you now but join me now and see how hundreds have done it before you. I would love to help you too. I will teach you the most important thing you must know to stop and prevent herpes outbreaks for free.
My profile