Friday, December 23, 2011

Prevent Herpes From Ruining your Holiday Season whether Christmas, New Year or any other Party or Celebration

Have you ever wished you could go to a party carefree and knowing you can prevent herpes from spoiling your fun?

I remember having a major outbreak after a really cool concert. I was excited, had a few drinks, everything was going well then - boom! I had this huge blister that grew in the middle of the night. I remember cursing the world and myself. I felt as though I was being punished - as if it was not right for me to enjoy myself.

I was desperate to make the pain go away. It did quite quickly because I already knew lots of ways to control herpes and I resorted to one of the most powerful, yet smelliest topical remedies I know, fresh garlic. I knew how to use it without actually creating more burns. I don’t remember exactly how long it lasted. I just know the blisters went away, no sores and everything was OK after two to three days. Yet, I still felt it was unfair. I wanted to enjoy myself and still not have to be faced with some major traumatic outbreak immediately afterwards. I have learned to do that quite well now, and I haven’t experienced anything like that in about seven to eight years now.

I want to share some of my favorite tips with you today. They are really simple but have proven to be quite helpful, not just to me , but to dozens of people who have contacted me for support. You can read the article I have written on how to prevent herpes from spoiling your parties and Holiday season.

Merry Christmas,

I wish you all a lot of carefree fun during this holiday season,



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About me

  • I'm Nathalie Foy
  • From United Kingdom
  • I have remained outbreak free for more than 6 years now. I use only natural remedies and I have helped hundreds of people do the same. If you want to find out how I did it, join me now at I want to help you achieve the same results.

    I just love promoting better health, self-love and acceptance and help people have a wonderful life with herpes. I know it may sound impossible to you now but join me now and see how hundreds have done it before you. I would love to help you too. I will teach you the most important thing you must know to stop and prevent herpes outbreaks for free.
My profile